Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Things You Really Need To Know About Fat Loss

Things You Really Need To Know About Fat Loss

There are real or tall tales that you often hear about fat loss regimens that often gives you the idea to pursue it, sometimes erring on the notion that you often get to believe it hook, line and sinker without even validating it.

But more than you know, it is always safe to claim that knowledge is always powerful and often keeps you where you should be.

Things you don’t know won’t hurt you. Well for some reasons it does ring a bell, but when it comes to fitness or anything that has something to do with your health and safety, awareness is vital to stay fit and at the same time keeps you away from harm of danger.

Let fitness expert and author Mike Wines share some insightful thoughts about fat loss and give you a good perspective about how to arm yourself with the right information.

6 Things About Fat Loss You Don’t Want to Hear


When it comes to weight loss, every single calorie counts, including the ones you can’t or don’t want to remember.

The other 23 hours outside of the gym have much more of a profound impact on your life than the 60 minutes you spend under a bar. 

If you’re only looking at the number on the scale but not considering your body composition, energy levels, or performance markers than you’re rather close minded when it comes to your fitness or health goals.

Remember, all calories count and you can’t just out exercise a poor diet or your lack of self-control when environmental and social conditions pressure you into making poor dietary choices.

New year, new you…right? But, what if your best efforts lead to frustration, stagnation, and less than stellar results? 

Well, it turns out there might be a variety reasons why you’re not acquiring your fat loss goals. Despite what most folks assume, there are a number of factors that can go wrong despite keeping track of your weight, exercising, and trying to live a healthy lifestyle.


Simply put, you can’t outrun the first law of thermodynamics because you don’t think it applies to you.

Most run into this issue when they adopt a diet (i.e. paleo, Atkins, south beach, etc.) that doesn’t account for calories and makes them believe they can eat as much as they want.

Outside of an accurately diagnosed medical condition, you’re not losing weight because you’re eating too many calories, simple as that. It’s not because of an underactive thyroid, “slow” metabolism, or any other medical ailment that is commonly associated with a lack of weight loss. Read full article

Sometimes we tend to hear a lot of tales about traditional fat loss methods that work that often leaves you hanging whether it is fact or fallacy. People also often tend to agree with one basic concept based on hearsay or some old wives’ tales passed on over time.

But there are some myths that you just need to know about and dispel to avoid the pitfalls of doing things the improper way. Let fitness coach and author Alon Shabo fill you in on the biggest myths for fat loss that you need to know.

The 4 Biggest Fat Loss Myths Around Today

Chances are, if you’ve tried to lose weight before, you’ve heard these myths. Maybe it was from your family physician using an outdated nutrition textbook, or the fitness guru with a six-pack from your local gym. It might have even been an uninformed personal trainer.The following myths have been around since the beginning of commercial fitness.

The so-called benefits of these myths have been passed off as universally agreed upon truths for generations, but recent research exposes these “truths” as the fallacies they really are.

Cardio Is The Best Fat Loss Strategy

For some reason, a large majority of people believe that cardio–such as long distance running, biking, or even walking on the treadmill–is the key to fat loss.

Low intensity long duration cardio might help you lose weight, but a significant amount of that weight will be muscle. And the less muscle you have on your body, the more fat your body will store.

The reason for this is because of something called your Basal Metabolic Rate (or BMR), which is the number of calories your body burns at rest to support your lean muscle mass. As the amount of lean muscle on your body increases, so does your BMR.

In addition to losing lean muscle, your hormones will be virtually unaffected by low intensity long duration cardio. This means that the calorie burning will stop shortly after you step off the treadmill.

A better alternative to low intensity cardio is High Intensity Interval Training (or HIIT for short). HIIT is a method of cardio during which you alternate periods of intense work (like sprinting), with periods of rest. Training like this burns more calories, keeps your metabolism elevated for longer,  and is much more time efficient.

One study showed that HIIT was 9 times more effective at burning fat when compared to long distance cardio. The reason for this was EPOC–Excess Post Exercise Oxygen Consumption

Put simply, EPOC means your body will continue burning calories up to 48 hours after your workout.Read full article

Of course, food is an integral part of your fat loss process. Diet is always associated with fat loss workouts and programs, but there’s a catch. You need to know what foods to eat and what habits you need to be doing to make your fat loss quest effective and optimal.

In the next article, nutrition expert and author Diana Kelly shares some of the most common diet myths that you should avoid.

10 Diet Myths That Pack On Pounds

Sorry, Journey, but it’s finally time to stop believing—in weightloss myths at least. Believing popular misconceptions can keep you from taking the right course of action to reach your goals, says Julia Valentour, MS, program coordinator and media spokesperson for the American Council on Exercise. Blaming a plateau (or a gain) on any of these half-truths will keep you stuck in your rut and derail your motivation.

1. “Strength training will bulk me up.”

First, let’s tackle the myth that a pound of muscle weighs more than a pound of fat. A pound is a pound is a pound—whether it’s made up of muscle or fat. That said, muscle is denser than fat and takes up less room, so two women who weigh the same can look much different if one has a higher ratio of lean muscle mass to fat, says Valentour. “Muscle weight is a good weight because you look firmer, smaller, and more fit. It’s also more metabolically active, so just having more muscle will boost metabolism throughout the day to help keep you leaner.”

It’s important to incorporate strength training into your routine so you burn calories at an optimal rate all day long—and using heavier weights could help maximize your efforts. Researchers at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis found that working out with heavy weights even for as few as 3 to 6 repetitions increased exercisers’ sleeping metabolic rate—the number of calories burned overnight—by nearly 8%. That’s enough to lose about 5 pounds in a year, even if you did nothing else! Read on and watch the videos

So whether you are a beginner or advanced fitness expert, it’s always worth knowing the right information that you can even share with friends to keep them falling into the wrong habits, especially when it comes to fat loss programs and training.

If you need to boost your fat loss program, you may want to use MusclePharm CLA Core made from high quality ingredients that gives you potency-conjugated linoleic acid that helps you burn fat without reducing muscle mass.

It is specially-formulated to give you that extra boost to enhance your fat loss programs without toxic side effects.

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Wednesday, July 13, 2016

When To Take Amino 1: Best Mass-Building Results


Love it or hate it, let’s face the fact that you need the right types of protein for muscle growth and maintenance that goes beyond the sensory pleasure of taste and palatability.

Of course, knowing when to take Amino 1 acids to supplement your muscle-busting protein needs is crucial to achieving optimum results.

When To Take Amino 1 By MusclePharm 

Dealing with misconceptions about staying fit and gaining bulk can often cause a lot of women the not venture into supplementation or intense workout routines for fear that they might be treading a thin line between toning and bulking.

Let fitness author Jordana Brown help ease your apprehensions so you can get ahead of your game by taking your aminos and getting the results that you are hoping for.

Amino Acids: A Girl’s Guide

Every Muscle & Fitness HERS reader worth her biceps knows the importance of protein for muscle growth and maintenance. And just about everyone who has seen the inside of a gym knows that amino acids are the building blocks of protein. But how many dedicated weight-trainers know that aminos are responsible for more than just promoting major muscle gains? In fact, amino acids, taken either alone or in various combinations as supplements, can enhance other components of your training. Research constantly teaches us more about the roles individual amino acids play in all kinds of bodily functions — from digestion and metabolism to blood flow — and manipulating this knowledge to reach your fitness goals is relatively straightforward. Here, we show you how.

First, a little background on amino acids. Here’s the confusing part. There are about 80 aminos found in nature. Of those, only 20 are used by the human body. But every single one of those 20 is absolutely essential for the body to function normally. So why do you always hear about “nonessential amino acids”? It comes down to diet.

The body can naturally produce 11 aminos by itself, but the other nine the body needs must come from the food you eat. If you’re not eating enough complete protein to get the full complement of aminos in your system, your body will start to break down your muscle tissue to make up the difference, making it impossible to either maintain your current physique or build upon it. Read full article

Sometimes it’s not a question when, but more on what. Of course we are referring to the type of amino acids that your body needs to give you the right muscle-building properties fast. After all, there are around 80 different aminos out there and of course, since the body needs only about 20 of those, we need to know which ones are appropriate and which ones are not.

The writers from fitness site share valuable insights on which type of aminos are good for the body and what specific needs does it address.

Amino Acid Supplements For Working Out

Bodybuilders and general weight trainers take amino acids for instant muscle recovery and repair. Ultimately, the goal behind taking amino acids as a weight trainer is to build more muscle; plain and simple. Due to this, there are specific times when taking amino acids as a weight lifter is most advantageous. So, when is the best time to take amino acids as a weight lifter?

The best time to take amino acids as a weight lifter is during your workouts. In addition, there are great amino acid supplements specialized just for a bodybuilders needs. These enhanced amino acid supplements contain additions to the standard amino mix such as added carbs, vitamins, minerals, and more.

These specialized amino acid supplements for bodybuilders can be summarized as intra-workout supplements. What that means- you take these supplements during your workout, while you lift, in order to get the maximum results.

The benefits of taking intra-workout amino acid supplements is instant recovery which ultimately runs up the cause and reaction ladder resulting in greater muscle growth and strength increase. Bottom line, it’s a great thing. Read full article

There is a proper time for everything and aminos are not exempt from that rule as well as Therapeutic support specialist and writer Sandi Busch shares the low-down on proper timing and why.

Best Time to Take Amino Acids

Everyone needs a regular supply of essential amino acids to support health and metabolism. You can reach that goal by including protein at every meal. Even if you’re active in intense activities or sports, getting your amino acids at meals may be as beneficial as boosting your intake before and after exercise, according to a review in the “Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition” in May 2014.

Amino Acid Basics

When you consume protein, it’s absorbed into your bloodstream in the form of amino acids. Then cells throughout your body use the amino acids to rebuild whatever specific protein is needed at that moment. The important thing to remember is that your body doesn’t store amino acids, so cells only have access to a limited supply. If you’re short on just one amino acid at the time it’s needed, the protein can’t be produced. Getting a regular supply of all the essential amino acids is the only way to ensure you’ll have what you need to strengthen muscles, create enzymes for metabolism and build and repair tissues. Read full article

By now you have more detailed knowledge about proteins and aminos that can help provide optimum results for your muscle gain quest. 

Getting the right source of essential amino acids and protein supplements from the right source can give you that edge. MusclePharm Nutrition carries a wide range of protein and amino acid supplements that can help support your workout programs and help you get the best results.

With years of expertise in the field of health supplements, MusclePharm is your best solution for your supplementation needs.

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Monday, July 4, 2016

Don’t Limit Yourself Squatting To A Box

squatting to a box

Indeed, squatting can be more than just that, leveraging on squatting to a box full of ideas need to be understood to be able to grasp the concept of the workout.

Squatting is not just about bending your knees and moving back up, in fact, there’s more to squatting than just a simple exercise. Doing it right can do wonders for your body, but do it wrong and it could do you more harm than good.

Let Deuce Gym founder and strength coach Logan Gelbrich teach you the scientific approach to doing your squats right.

Remedy: Squat To A Box

Ah, the squat. It’s the holy grail of strength and conditioning. As a coach, I often catch myself thinking that teaching someone to squat is the great physical gift I can give a student.

In CrossFit, however, there are a variety of men and women who walk into your doors wanting to capture some fitness. Some of these folks are doing so for the very first time. Many of these folks have significant limitations when it comes to range of motion, strength and basic coordination.

I’d argue, however, that one of the beauties of functional fitness, especially as it’s delivered in the CrossFit context, is this idea that we can repair systems and grow fitness at the same time. If this wasn’t possible, 90% of the population would need physical therapy and 10,000 hours of Mobility WOD before their very first training session.

This concept in CrossFit that we are dealing with a lifestyle, and that both rehab and performance can be captured simultaneously in many cases, means that you coaches out there are working with a lot of new movers. Since the squat is so critical, I’m not one who believes one needs to have a perfect air squat before one bears a load in the squat. Heck, if that were the case, every affiliate would have between zero and one people who are allowed to have a barbell on their back.

Instead, we can train and improve position together. However, the tricky part comes when someone walks in your door and they’re so inflexible and/or so instable that squatting to depth in a sturdy position isn’t possible. I don’t know about all of your gyms, but mine has numerous students in this boat. Read full article

It is always necessary to bend the hips and the knees as you descend the bar and it should be the hips that get the primary emphasis. This can be done by focusing on the back angle to facilitate movement that is dominant on the hips.

But are you even aware what’s the difference between squatting to a box from box squats?

Fitness writer Mike Samuels shares some thoughts on how to tell one from the other.

Squatting to a Box Vs. Box Squats

While on the face of it, squatting to a box and box squatting may appear to be the same exercises, there are subtle differences between them. Both exercises work the quadriceps, as well as your posterior chain — the hamstrings, glutes and lower back muscles. Both can be included in your routine, but should be used for different purposes.

To perform squats to a box, set up as you would for a regular squat, with the barbell across your back, but with a box behind you. Squat down until your butt touches the box, then push straight back up again. The main benefit of squatting to a box is to ensure you’re reaching the proper depth, writes strength coach Nia Shanks in her article “Squats To a Box.” Many people struggle to go low enough when they start squatting, so a box can act as a gauge of depth. It can also limit the range of motion, adds Shanks. It’s possible to go too low and use poor form by rounding your back or allowing your knees to cave in. The box will prevent this. Read full article.

Why and how are squats important? Isn’t it just a leg exercise? Well, actually there’s more to squats than what you would generally think. But in fact, squats are total body workouts that can give the body a good and effective workout.

Let fitness author and trainer Staci of Nerd Fitness

Strength Training 101: How to Squat Properly

Even though the squat is considered by many to be a “leg” exercise, it’s really a full body movement that works just every muscle group in the body.

Not only that, but it mimics a ton of natural movement patterns in everyday life.  In this nerd’s opinion, squats are the most useful exercise we can do when it comes to strength training.

Whether your goal is to gain strength or lose weight, squats are one of the fastest ways to get there.

If you’ve never squatted before, you might be a bit intimidated about the idea of starting a big new exercise. Never fear! Today we’re going to go over everything you need to go to start squatting RIGHT NOW.

Squats are a big part of the Nerd Fitness Academy, and today we want to give you the confidence you need to START.

Squats are one of the most foundational functional movements in our lives. 

We’ve been squatting since we were babies;  as we get older and sit in unnatural positions all day – our squat form goes from perfect, to us not knowing how to squat correctly at all.

In some countries, not only do they continue to sit in a full squat (sometimes called a “third world squat”), but instead of sitting on a toilet, they squat over it.

Before modern day furniture and technology you didn’t stop sitting in a full squat once you got older like we do today…you continued squatting your entire life. Read on and watch the video

So take good note of these squatting mechanics to allow you to optimize your squat workouts.

MusclePharm Glutamine your best solution to help enhance the durability of the muscle tissues to stay healthy. It keeps your muscles from being catabolized for use of the other cells in the body, helps maintain cell volume and hydration. It also speeds up the wound healing process, helps produce growth hormones and boosts the immune system.

It is also essential for body builders because heavy workouts tend to deplete glutamine levels in the body and it also helps with the transportation of potassium across the blood brain barrier.

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