Thursday, March 31, 2016

Battling Ropes And Winning It Every Time

Battling Ropes And Winning It Every Time

You can actually build explosive strength with battling ropes, which actually does more than just flinging or lashing at a both ends of a long oversized rope. It is can be a powerhouse of effective workouts for the body.

It may look easy, but wait till you experience it. But what can a length of thick rope do to your body? 

Whether you want to build more muscle or prolong your endurance to physical activity, battle rope workouts can easily help you with that, as Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist and writer Eric Velasquez shares how the rope routines can help you get in shape and at the same time, provide you with good cardiovascular workouts to keep your body fit and also help you stay healthy.

Rope Into Greater Conditioning

You have no doubt seen the clips all over the internet of elite athletes thundering away on conditioning drills with heavy ropes – slamming them in a fury and drowning in a pool of sweat, only to walk away looking stronger and leaner as a result. Battling Ropes were developed by John Brookfield and have since spawned a legion of imitators who have tried to capitalize on the amazing versatility and efficacy of these increasingly ubiquitous body-carving tools.

I knew athletes had the potential to sustain high levels of power, strength and speed over longer durations of time,” says Brookfield. “I started to mimic the flow of water by creating a series of waves with long heavy ropes. I started out simply playing around with the ropes and quickly found out there was much more to this than meets the eye.”  Read full article

What exactly is battle ropes and what good can it do for the body? This is often the most asked question when it comes to rope exercises because little do people know the science behind the activity.

Rather than simply looking at the ropes, getting into the story will tell you what it is and how it came to be. Let fitness writer Jesse Seal of Warrior Sciences share some basic details and ideas worth knowing about battle ropes

Battle Ropes: A Powerful Tool for Total Body Strength Endurance

Battle ropes are a unique strength and conditioning training method designed by John Brookfield, a writer of several bestselling books and a famous world record holder.

John invested over a year creating this technique stringently for himself. He has been using this innovative training system to take his endurance to new levels, despite the fact that John is nearly 53 years old. Once the program met his standards, John released battling ropes conditioning to the world of athletic performance training.”  Read on and watch the video

When it comes to getting the ideal physical form, everyone would agree that a total body workout is essential.

But of course, knowing what kind of exercises to do to achieve it is essential. Looks can be deceiving but wait till you know more about battle ropes from fitness writer Josh Ownby of Muscle Ropes

Muscle Building Lower Body Battle Ropes Exercises

Many think battle ropes, and their results, are restricted to the upper body, but this is far from the truth. In fact, performing lower body movement in conjunction with a set of battle ropes accelerates muscle building and stimulates the heart. Take a look at these five muscle building lower body exercises to get started with rope exercises and see for yourself how battle ropes affect your workouts. Read full article

Battle ropes can help provide you with the overall workout to help you stay fit and healthy, which should also be coupled with good nutrition and a healthy diet.

In order to try and speed up the process of your workouts, why not try a specially formulated supplement that supports muscle growth, strength and stamina during workouts.

MusclePharm Combat can help you with the nutrition your muscles need. It is a powerhouse drink formula that contains a wide range of high quality proteins to help provide muscles with optimum growth, speedy recovery and it comes in a variety of flavours to address your discriminating tastes.

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Battling Ropes And Winning It Every Time

Battling Ropes And Winning It Every Time

You can actually build explosive strength with battling ropes, which actually does more than just flinging or lashing at a both ends of a long oversized rope. It is can be a powerhouse of effective workouts for the body.

It may look easy, but wait till you experience it. But what can a length of thick rope do to your body? 

Whether you want to build more muscle or prolong your endurance to physical activity, battle rope workouts can easily help you with that, as Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist and writer Eric Velasquez shares how the rope routines can help you get in shape and at the same time, provide you with good cardiovascular workouts to keep your body fit and also help you stay healthy.

Rope Into Greater Conditioning

You have no doubt seen the clips all over the internet of elite athletes thundering away on conditioning drills with heavy ropes – slamming them in a fury and drowning in a pool of sweat, only to walk away looking stronger and leaner as a result. Battling Ropes were developed by John Brookfield and have since spawned a legion of imitators who have tried to capitalize on the amazing versatility and efficacy of these increasingly ubiquitous body-carving tools.

I knew athletes had the potential to sustain high levels of power, strength and speed over longer durations of time,” says Brookfield. “I started to mimic the flow of water by creating a series of waves with long heavy ropes. I started out simply playing around with the ropes and quickly found out there was much more to this than meets the eye.”  Read full article

What exactly is battle ropes and what good can it do for the body? This is often the most asked question when it comes to rope exercises because little do people know the science behind the activity.

Rather than simply looking at the ropes, getting into the story will tell you what it is and how it came to be. Let fitness writer Jesse Seal of Warrior Sciences share some basic details and ideas worth knowing about battle ropes

Battle Ropes: A Powerful Tool for Total Body Strength Endurance

Battle ropes are a unique strength and conditioning training method designed by John Brookfield, a writer of several bestselling books and a famous world record holder.

John invested over a year creating this technique stringently for himself. He has been using this innovative training system to take his endurance to new levels, despite the fact that John is nearly 53 years old. Once the program met his standards, John released battling ropes conditioning to the world of athletic performance training.”  Read on and watch the video

When it comes to getting the ideal physical form, everyone would agree that a total body workout is essential.

But of course, knowing what kind of exercises to do to achieve it is essential. Looks can be deceiving but wait till you know more about battle ropes from fitness writer Josh Ownby of Muscle Ropes

Muscle Building Lower Body Battle Ropes Exercises

Many think battle ropes, and their results, are restricted to the upper body, but this is far from the truth. In fact, performing lower body movement in conjunction with a set of battle ropes accelerates muscle building and stimulates the heart. Take a look at these five muscle building lower body exercises to get started with rope exercises and see for yourself how battle ropes affect your workouts. Read full article

Battle ropes can help provide you with the overall workout to help you stay fit and healthy, which should also be coupled with good nutrition and a healthy diet.

In order to try and speed up the process of your workouts, why not try a specially formulated supplement that supports muscle growth, strength and stamina during workouts.

MusclePharm Combat can help you with the nutrition your muscles need. It is a powerhouse drink formula that contains a wide range of high quality proteins to help provide muscles with optimum growth, speedy recovery and it comes in a variety of flavours to address your discriminating tastes.

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Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Swim Off Unwanted Fat With MusclePharm BCAA

Swimming Pool Fitness With Musclepharm BCAA

Not many people are aware that the swimming pool can also be a good venue for fat-loss training programs that can let you achieve your desired results. Not only does it provide good workout activities, but it also guarantees an element of fun into your workout routines.

How Do Speed Lanes Work in the Pool?

One of the best things about working out at the gym is the access to the various facilities. You don’t just have free weights and weight machines, but there are sports facilities, cardio machines, a steam room, and even a swimming pool!

Remember: the swimming pool isn’t a place for you to relax and chill, but it’s a place to work out. The pool is meant to be a place for some serious full body and cardio workouts, which is why it is divided into lanes.

These lanes are known as “speed lanes,” and they are there to ensure that swimmers can enjoy their workout without interference from fellow swimmers. Read more…

We have another list of pool exercises from Charlotte Hilton Andersen that also guarantee good impacts, especially since water provides good resistance when activities are being done underwater.

Burn Calories in the Pool (No Laps Required!)

Great for your abs on dry land, doing the ab bicycle in the water adds extra work for your core, shoulders, and legs to keep you from floating away.

Tip: Rest your elbows on a pool noodle if you don’t have a pool edge to use. Read more…

You need to make sure to remain consistent on your workouts otherwise, putting an abrupt stop and then not getting back to it equates to poor muscle health and development. See what Anna Renderer from PopSugar Fitness has to say in the video below! 

Pool Exercises to Burn Calories | Full Body Workout | Fitness How To

Skip the crawl and backstroke; you can burn a bunch of calories in the pool no swimming required. Here are five moves that will get your heart rate up while keeping you cool. Add our favourite ab and core exercises into your watery workout to target your middle, too. 

Training activities done in the pool have shown significant weight loss and muscle mass success stories. Having the right regimen complete with proper nutrition and supplementation will help in enhancing the effects of your swimming pool workouts. Musclepharm BCAA is just what the body needs to support the process of muscle development and recovery, at the same time burn fat to come up with a firmer and stronger body.

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Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Effective Ways To Add Mass To Your Arms

The Most Effective Ways To Add Inches To Your Arms

If you think that simply pumping iron is enough to add inches to your arms, then think again. There is actually a science behind building muscle mass – one that would need careful attention to make sure that your workout does not end up like flab instead of fab. With the use of MusclePharm Glutamine, you can surely be on your way to firmer muscles.

Add One Inch to Your Arms in One Month

The crucial aspect of building muscle mass is succeeding to turn the pump you get while working out in the gym, into a permanent muscle. Of course, a quick set of high intensity exercises can always do the trick of pumping you up, just to find out those muscles deflated just a few hours laterRead more…

One of the most effective ways to ensure the proper growth and development of the arm muscles is through targeted regular workouts that would serve to firm up the muscles and add inches to your arms. It is also important to understand that intense stress could also lead to injury so rest, rehydration and healing is also an integral part of the overall workout process.

6 Killer Exercises That Will Add Serious Inches to Your Arms

We’ve discovered a handful of tough and somewhat unconventional exercises that should help you burst through your plateau. These moves should help trigger new muscle growth, and fight off any cases of muscle memory you may be experiencing, helping to propel your upper-body appendages to new heights — or girthsRead more…

Post workout recovery is crucial to the process of building firmer arm muscles after subjecting it to intense workouts. A boost is usually needed to incorporate a natural-based formula like MusclePharm Glutamine, that help muscles in the recovery and healing process after an intense muscle-building workout.

Glutamine and Sprained Tendons

Overextending a joint or muscle can cause damage — sprains or strains — in the tendons, ligaments and muscles that support a joint. Injuries to tendons and ligaments require longer periods of time to heal that similar injuries to muscles. Read more…

The best and most effective ways to add inches to your arms could also be very taxing to your muscles and most often, would need some period of time to rest and recover before moving on with the workout and training program. Supplementing with the amino acid L-glutamine can help speed the recovery process and MusclePharm Glutamine would be the solution- packed with essential and naturally occurring amino acids that help spur growth, recovery and repair of damaged muscle tissues.

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Friday, March 4, 2016

Fat Burner Routines That Keep The Pounds Off

Keep Off Obesity Risks with Fast Fat Burner Routines

Around thirty percent of the global population is found to be obese, which should underscore the importance of advocating proper health in both developed and developing countries. Obesity poses a multitude of health risks, after all, including heart disease, stroke, and even some types of cancer.

For some, this means regulating the amount of food they eat; for others, the problem may lie in the genes. Mitch Leslie of Science Mag explains:

Fat? Thin? Molecular switch may turn obesity on or off

Identical twins may be alike in everything from their eye color to their favorite foods, but they can diverge in one important characteristic: their weight. A new study uncovers a molecular mechanism for obesity that might explain why one twin can be extremely overweight even while the other is thin.

Heredity influences whether we become obese, but the genes researchers have linked to the condition don’t explain many of the differences in weight among people. Identical twins with nonidentical weights are a prime example. So what accounts for the variation? Changes in the intestinal microbiome—the collection of bacteria living in the gut—are one possibility. Another is epigenetic changes, or alterations in gene activity. These changes occur when molecules latch on to DNA or the proteins it wraps around, turning sets of genes “on” or “off.”

Read full article…

But whether one is obese by habits or genetics, one effective way to cope exists for all: exercise. Samantha Craggs of CBC News writes:

Exercise helps fight effects of a common obesity gene

We all know exercise is important. But a new McMaster University study shows that the physical effort makes a key difference for those with a so-called fat gene.

A large percentage of people have a gene called FTO that predisposes them to obesity. But new research shows that moderate exercise — even as little as one or two hours per week — substantially weakens the gene’s influence.

The team looked at data from 17,400 people with FTO from six ethnic groups in 17 countries and followed them for more than three years.

The findings, published Monday in Scientific Reports, showed that being more active blunts the effect of the inherited obesity gene by as much as 75 per cent, said David Meyre, an associate professor of clinical epidemiology and biostatistics in McMaster’s DeGroote School of Medicine.

Read full article here…

Now, that’s some good news. What is even better is that some types of exercise do not require a huge chunk of our time. Fast fat burner routines are available to help us keep track of our weight without disrupting whatever it is that we have to do for the day. This article on lists some of these routines, along with the number of calories each activity burns.

Winter workouts

No time to work out? No problem! Slip in these calorie blasters and you’re done.

Jump. Jump rope as fast as you can. 68 calories

Lunge. Do walking lunges down the hallway. 45 calories

Run. Run around the block. 62 calories

Shovel. Shovel snow (someone’s gotta do it!) 34 calories

Dance. Switch on the Wii for a little Zumba action. 45 calories

See more…

While exercising, however, it is common to lose energy and stamina. For this reason, it is recommended that you keep a water bottle within reach. If you feel like you have overused your muscles, too, don’t hesitate to take a breather and give your muscles time to recover. MusclePharm Glutamine,with its special formulation of nutrients and minerals, can help speed up the recovery process and get you back on track. And to further up the results, don’t forget to stock your fridge with food that is good for your weight such as fruits, fish, and vegetables.

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