Friday, March 4, 2016

Fat Burner Routines That Keep The Pounds Off

Keep Off Obesity Risks with Fast Fat Burner Routines

Around thirty percent of the global population is found to be obese, which should underscore the importance of advocating proper health in both developed and developing countries. Obesity poses a multitude of health risks, after all, including heart disease, stroke, and even some types of cancer.

For some, this means regulating the amount of food they eat; for others, the problem may lie in the genes. Mitch Leslie of Science Mag explains:

Fat? Thin? Molecular switch may turn obesity on or off

Identical twins may be alike in everything from their eye color to their favorite foods, but they can diverge in one important characteristic: their weight. A new study uncovers a molecular mechanism for obesity that might explain why one twin can be extremely overweight even while the other is thin.

Heredity influences whether we become obese, but the genes researchers have linked to the condition don’t explain many of the differences in weight among people. Identical twins with nonidentical weights are a prime example. So what accounts for the variation? Changes in the intestinal microbiome—the collection of bacteria living in the gut—are one possibility. Another is epigenetic changes, or alterations in gene activity. These changes occur when molecules latch on to DNA or the proteins it wraps around, turning sets of genes “on” or “off.”

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But whether one is obese by habits or genetics, one effective way to cope exists for all: exercise. Samantha Craggs of CBC News writes:

Exercise helps fight effects of a common obesity gene

We all know exercise is important. But a new McMaster University study shows that the physical effort makes a key difference for those with a so-called fat gene.

A large percentage of people have a gene called FTO that predisposes them to obesity. But new research shows that moderate exercise — even as little as one or two hours per week — substantially weakens the gene’s influence.

The team looked at data from 17,400 people with FTO from six ethnic groups in 17 countries and followed them for more than three years.

The findings, published Monday in Scientific Reports, showed that being more active blunts the effect of the inherited obesity gene by as much as 75 per cent, said David Meyre, an associate professor of clinical epidemiology and biostatistics in McMaster’s DeGroote School of Medicine.

Read full article here…

Now, that’s some good news. What is even better is that some types of exercise do not require a huge chunk of our time. Fast fat burner routines are available to help us keep track of our weight without disrupting whatever it is that we have to do for the day. This article on lists some of these routines, along with the number of calories each activity burns.

Winter workouts

No time to work out? No problem! Slip in these calorie blasters and you’re done.

Jump. Jump rope as fast as you can. 68 calories

Lunge. Do walking lunges down the hallway. 45 calories

Run. Run around the block. 62 calories

Shovel. Shovel snow (someone’s gotta do it!) 34 calories

Dance. Switch on the Wii for a little Zumba action. 45 calories

See more…

While exercising, however, it is common to lose energy and stamina. For this reason, it is recommended that you keep a water bottle within reach. If you feel like you have overused your muscles, too, don’t hesitate to take a breather and give your muscles time to recover. MusclePharm Glutamine,with its special formulation of nutrients and minerals, can help speed up the recovery process and get you back on track. And to further up the results, don’t forget to stock your fridge with food that is good for your weight such as fruits, fish, and vegetables.

The post Fat Burner Routines That Keep The Pounds Off appeared first on Muscle Pharm Reviews.

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